The Petrarch Centre, LTD
About Us.
The Petrarch Insitute, LLC is a new online tutoring, teaching, and consultancy service specializing in the humanities. A Renaissance humanist school for the 21st century we draw upon state of the art technology to bring you a time tested tradition of educational excellence.Our services are perfect for a wide variety of students.
Perhaps you are a homeschooling parent looking for humanities courses that can be taken from the comfort of home but at the highest professional level of quality.
Perhaps or an adult learner searching for a way to continue your education on your own schedule.
Perhaps you simply seek the priceless benefits of wisdom and personal enrichment which classical humanism has offered and given to seekers down through the centuries. The Petrarch Institute is here for you!
Note:The Image at theĀ Top of the Website is a detail from Raphael’s famous painting The School of Athens taken from wikipedia’s public domain resource wikicommons.
The Image at its bottom on this page and on the home page is the “Temple of the Delians” also from wikipedia and designated as public domain;
The image of the Statue of Petrarch under “Who is Petrarch?” is purchased from Shutterstock
Dear Ms. Patten,
Thank you for your very kind comments! Very shortly we hope to create a moderated forum for thoughtful guest contributions in the interest of fostering topical discussions on humanistic themes. We should certainly be happy to review any submissions you may wish to send for possible inclusion. So please keep your eyes open in the days ahead!